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Whether it is current or candidate. All the Marketing activities are kept in the records. Calls made, all correspondence, all emails that are sent and received, visits made will be kept as Activity under company data. One of the biggest problems of the companies are missing information regarding the visits and other related data. With marketing management all problems will be solved. Additionally, performance evaluation of the personnel can easily be done with the help of these records.
Second step is performance evaluation of marketing after recording the marketing activities. These are some reports which you can get for marketing departments:
Individual performance report
Number of interviews for Mr/Mrs X.
How many of them are customer visits?
How many interviews are made with Customer X?
Who is the last person visited them?
How many interviews are made regarding the X subject?
What is the most important subject discussed with customers?
When was the last time of their visits?
Monthly interviews and etc.
These are some example reports that also can be customizable according to your needs.
After your marketing activities, you can both create Sales Opportunities for your current customers as well as your candidate customers. It can be said that these opportunities are like campaigns. It consists of offering monthly or periodic campaigns to customers.
One of the important steps of the sales management is creating an offer and keeping track of it. After the marketing activities you can put the offers that is wanted by your customers into a template which is customized for you automatically and also can easily send to your customers with the help of outlook integration. If you want you can also group these offers like sales offers, service offers, spare part offers and etc. If these offers are accepted, it can easily be converted to order or invoice by one click. By this way keeping track of customers with accounting and stock integration will be much easier.
At first offer that are made will be recorded in the database with the related documents. Information such as How many of them are accepted or declined, reasons for declined offers, how many offers are
made by each sales employee and etc., you can easily get your customized report according to your needs on your customized screen.
You can create annually or monthly targets based on groups or for each individual under sales targets. These targets can be made based on sales amount or products. For example, you can easily track your targets by looking at invoices and accepted offers and see the realized percentage monthly or annually. In addition to that, you can also create new targets for X product based on total sales or sales figures. You can keep track of the target realization percentage at the end of the month or year.
It is a known fact that the attitudes and prices are important at the event of sales. Competitor managements is opening cards for each competitor and putting prices of them into the system. With this management system you can create your offers and prepare according to those prices.
It is designed according to the needs of companies which are working project based in their industries. Before long term projects, estimated time for each project and steps of the project can be written after opening the project cards. Additionally responsible for each project can also be input.
Details can be written for each step of the opened project cards. These cards will show the realization percentage of the project based on duration and will form an example for upcoming projects of the company.
You can add or organize visits for your field teams over management panel, you can add notes to them and record the schedule on certain periods. Before planning the schedule, you can make planning by viewing the company and field personnel in real time over the maps